Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I love my haters. You should to!

I need new haters the old ones are starting to like me!!!
Haters are the new black. No matter what you call them; critics, naysayers, enemies,  or just plain old haters, they will always be around. Haters show up in greater numbers the better you're doing in life.
Ever hear the term "new level, new devils?" It refers to the phenomenon that occurs every time you reach a higher stage in your life and/or career. Someone shows up to tell you that what you did wasn't that great they will do or say whatever they can to try and take the wind out of your sails. Here is how I deal with my haters/supporters in disguise.
1.) COME TO THE REALIZATION THERE WILL ALWAYS BE HATERS. There will be people who don't like you no matter what you do, how great of a person you are, you can walk on water and someone would say it's only because you can't swim. For us dream chasers it just comes with the territory and the quicker you realize this the better off you'll be. Each time you become more famous and gain more respect you gain more haters. Just think how many people hate the Richard Branson, Shawn Carter, Bill Gates, and Elon musk of the world trust me you want that kind of hate it means you made it lol. Imagine becoming so famous so respected that people will start mass producing lies about you  Kanye West said "There will always be haters that's the way it is hating men, marry hating women, and have hating kids!"
2.) IT MEANS YOUR DOING SOMETHING RIGHT. People will instinctively fight against change no matter how well it will benefit them. Change is scary it makes you come of your comfort zone and people will dislike you and talk bad about you for doing that. Can you imagine the amount of backlash and the people talking say Steve Jobs was a idiot for trying to create the I-phone a computer company trying to get in the cell phone industry. The closer he got to making it a reality the more people was in his ear saying this will fail it'll never work. Just keep grinding despite what anyone says often times they're speaking from their own fears and failures.
3.) YOUR CAN'T BEAT FREE PRESS AND EXSPOSURE. I have found it is often those that are the closest to you that will be your biggest haters. they will spread your name around the world, of course mixed with their version of how you or your company sucks. Google someone you admire you'll see someone a article or blog saying how horrible this person is they swindle everyone they come across. Some will go to great lengths they will talk bad and down about you to anyone that will listen. I have a friend who owns a publishing company and she had to drop a author this person then turns around and starts a blog just to bad mouth and tries to discredit my friend. She went as far to trying to write a book trying to ruin my friends company. Despite the persons attempt my friend company thrived because all the extra and free exposure this author gave the company.
4.) CRITICS CAN BE A GOOD THING. Often times myself included in this is we can't take constructive criticism there are people that means well and is giving helpful insight to building a better mousetrap. We are so close to what we are engaged in we can't see the mistakes we are making and can be avoided. Now if they are hating and being the ultimate critic still hear them out they might give some actual valid advice. They have a problem for every solution and if you take this in to account you can save yourself and company from a world of hurt. Plus this does two things one, your giving acknowledgement to the contribution this person made and two, It stops the "I TOLD YOU SO" if that person was right. No one wants to hear "I told you so" from a hater it hurts that much more they say it with a smile. When you give them recognition it takes some hot air out their attitude and the start being more receptive and ultimately you make a fan out them. It's just like Abraham Lincoln said the best way to get rid of a hater is to make them a fan.

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