Thursday, August 6, 2015

Double your failures triple your success

Throughout my real estate career I've made so many mistakes that I'm thinking about making more
The list of my mistakes are many and they range from petty to significant, from tiny to ginormous.  One day I'll find myself not filling out the contracts properly. The very next day I can forget to unlock the front door of my open house and then sit there wondering why I don't have any traffic. Basically l made every rookie mistake you could make as a new agent.

Did it stop my flow? Sometimes!
Did it make me question should  I even be doing this? Hell yea!

I quit 50 times everyday in my head. Every time I had to go through a new challenge or anything that would pull me out of my comfort zone, I'd have to fight the urge not to give up. I'm just like everyone else while we may not share the same fears, the act of pulling out of our comfort zone or taking away the safety blanket freaks us all out.
Our brains are wired to protect us so when we face anything new, or preconceived as dangerous, our brains instantly start flashing red lights. It screams DANGER WILL ROBINSON do not go this way. But here's the truth of the matter, our brains are filled with all kinds of prehistoric defenses from the stone ages. It simply doesn't know any better. It just want's to keep us safe. We must tell the little voice in our heads to shut up, sit back, and buckle in because we're doing it anyway. School taught us that mistakes will result in being punished and life will except nothing short of mediocrity. Well I say to hell with all the programing!

As humans we learn through mistakes. Through trial and error we grow. We fall off the bike again and again, but as long as we continue to get back on, we inevitably learn to RIDE! Before you know it we're riding with no hands and doing wheelies. You must approach success in life and business the same way fail forward.

 Double your failures triple your success! 

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