Tuesday, November 17, 2015

There is no success without the struggle

Even in the dictionary success comes after struggle, grind, sacrifice, and hustle. Lets just put that out there make it clear whatever type of success you want for your life prepare to "struggle" for it.

Now I'm not talking about living out of your car, or only eating ramen noodles until your first big break although your path to your success may call for that. Everyone's path is also different and will face different trials and tribulations to get the life we desire. Don't confuse your path with my path I've went through a divorce and lost friends on my way to where I'm going. But, I'm willing to go through that struggle were as your path just may call for you to cut back on spending dramatically and put that money into your business and brand.

You are meant to go through grind. It's your way of proving to the universe, god, or whatever your personal beliefs are That you are more than capable and ready to have whatever success comes your way. Each level of success will require a stronger more determined version of you. It will require you to grind and out hustle your competitors sacrifice and struggle a little bit more. With all of these things and with a strategy you can see success in anything you set out to do

Let me share with you a story about how much going through the struggle is needed.
This caterpillar was coming out of his chrysalis on his way to becoming a beautiful butterfly. A women was walking by and seen this happening feeling sorry for the little butterfly she tore the open the chrysalis so the butterfly wouldn't struggle no more. But what she didn't realize that this process was needed in order for the butterfly to strengthen his wings. He didn't go through the process needed so his wings wasn't strong enough to support him . So he fell to the ground and didn't make it.

If you gave all the pain back they caused you, you would lose all the strength you gained.
Don't run from it or try to avoid it and still think success will come your way. Want that body you've always dreamed of walking alone won't get for you. You must eat right and lift weights that's your struggle. You want to be the top sales closer in your office you must out grind and hustle everyone else. Sacrifice what they won't and watch you soar past them. Embrace the grind, the struggle  it will become apart of your success story!!!

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